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    [최우수 저널 논문] - 감태의 교수님 연구실의 새 연구, Expert Systems with Applications에 게재 허가
    • Date2023/10/06 13:20
    • Hit 754
    감태의 교수님의 새 연구, "META-EEG: Meta-learning-based Class-relevant EEG Representation Learning for Zero-calibration Brain-computer Interfaces"가   IF 상위 8.2% (Electrical & Electronics Engineering 분야 275개 중 23위) 저널인 Expert Systems with Applications에 게재 허가되었습니다.
    • Ji-Wung Han, Soyeon Bak, Jun-Mo Kim, WooHyeok Choi, Dong-Hee Shin, Young-Han Son, Tae-Eui Kam, "META-EEG: Meta-learning-based Class-relevant EEG Representation Learning for Zero-calibration Brain-computer Interfaces”, Expert Systems with Applications (Accepted).