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    교과 과정표

    • XAI508-Natural Language Processing This course covers core principles and applications of natural language processing for the understanding and generation of human language using computers. To this end, rule-based methods, statistical approaches, and deep learning approaches are studied, and also the application techniques such as dialogue systems, machine translation, information retrieval, and text mining will be included.
    • XAI507-Computer Vision This course covers the basic concepts and skills of computer vision, and various algorithms that requires advanced level of knowledge in image domains. Concretely, image processing, object classification, object detection, object segmentation, and object tracking algorithms in videos will be studied.
    • XAI506-Deep Learning This course covers the principles of neural networks and deep learning, and training neural networks. Studied topics include training principles and applications of CNN, RNN, LSTM, Attention Mechanisms, Sequence-to-Sequence models.
    • XAI505-Calculus Calculus as a necessary basic mathematics for artificial intelligence is covered. Important concepts regarding the basics of calculus, differential equations, multiple integral, vector calculus, and complex analysis will be included. The concepts will then be exemplified in the context of machine learning algorithms, such as back-propagation and probabilistic inference.
    • XAI504-Linear Algebra Linear algebra as a necessary basic mathematics for artificial intelligence will be covered. Pivotal concepts of linear algebra such as matrix calculations, linear system, or linear transformations, and frequently discussed topics in machine learning as eigendecomposition and singular value decomposition will be included.
    • XAI503-Optimization Theory This course is designed to provide the student with optimization algorithms necessary for studying machine learning. Topics covered will include basic concepts and problem settings for the optimization regarding the objective function and constraints, convex functions, and duality.
    • XAI502-Probability and Statistics This course covers probability and statistics, as part of fundamental mathematics necessary for studying artificial intelligence. Basic concepts of probability, random variable, sample statistics, parameter estimation, statistical hypothesis testing, and regression analysis will be discussed
    • XAI501-Machine Learning This course covers basic machine learning concepts, including supervised learning and unsupervised learning, overfitting, regularization, and optimization. Also, theories and applications on the definition and methods of various machine learning problems such as dimension reduction, clustering, and anomaly detection will be discussed.
    • XAI516-Technology Marketing This course aims to give students understanding on how to convert research into commercial products, i.e., technology marketing, by studying past and recent commercialization and technology transfer examples. This course will give lectures on creating business items and technology marketing processes
    • XAI517-Incubator Policy and Regulation Startup Incubator refers to various support and policies for startup companies and preliminary founders, and this course provides preliminary founders with information regarding corporate constitution, registration, and related policies and laws