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    교과 과정표

    • XAI601-Deep Learning Application and Practice This course focuses on solving practical problems with fundamental knowledge in deep learning. The course includes practical exercises to solve real world problems related to deep learning. 
    • XAI517-Incubator Policy and Regulation Startup Incubator refers to various support and policies for startup companies and preliminary founders, and this course provides preliminary founders with information regarding corporate constitution, registration, and related policies and laws
    • XAI516-Technology Marketing This course aims to give students understanding on how to convert research into commercial products, i.e., technology marketing, by studying past and recent commercialization and technology transfer examples. This course will give lectures on creating business items and technology marketing processes
    • XAI515-Technology Commercialization This course aims to develop skills to realize technology commercialization by learning technology startup ideas or technology business knowledge. Lectures related to process management and R&D project planning and development will be provided.
    • XAI514-Intellectual Property Right This course aims to teach students on the importance of intellectual property rights in knowledge-based society. Students will learn about the processes of obtaining an intellectual property right and study its related laws
    • XAI513-Creative Innovation Theory This course takes a systematic approach towards creative thinking and learn various methods to scientifically develop and manage it. Students will learn to create and embody various ideas on business items.
    • XAI512-IT Founding and Business This course aims to realize IT-related innovative ideas and principles behind running an IT company, Students will learn about basic entrepreneurship skills well as the know-hows in an IT environment.
    • XAI511-Neural Networks This course covers concepts and applications of neural network models. Students can learn about the principles of brain-information processing techniques and neural network structures based on the mechanisms of biological neural cells.
    • XAI510-Big Data Analysis This course covers basic concepts and applications related to processing with data and information. Structured and unstructured large-scale big data analysis methods for the extraction of useful information from data will be studied.
    • XAI509-Automatic Speech Recognition This course discusses basic theories and applications of automatic speech recognition and speech recognition methods based on hidden markov models (HMM) and deep neural networks (DNN). Students will implement basic algorithms via projects and review related works through paper seminars.