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    [최우수 저널 논문] - 이성환 교수님 연구실의 새 연구, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics에 게재 허가
    • Date2024/01/17 11:31
    • Hit 699
    이성환 교수님의 새 연구,  "DeepHealthNet: Adolescent Obesity Prediction System Based on a Deep Learning Framework"가 IF 상위 10%( MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 분야 55개 논문 중 4위, JCR-IF: 7.7) 저널인 IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics에 게재 허가되었습니다.
    • J.-H. Jeong, I.-G. Lee, S.-K. Kim, T.-E. Kam, S.-W. Lee, and E. Lee, "DeepHealthNet: Adolescent Obesity Prediction System Based on a Deep Learning Framework," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024 (Accepted).